Radical Hindu leader calls for arms against Muslims
Radical Hindus in India, with the support of the ruling BJP administration, continue their statements containing aggressive attitudes towards Muslims.
Sant Yuvraj, one of the leaders of the Indian ultra-nationalist Hindu Sena organization founded in 2011, recently called on Hindus to take up arms in his speech, in which he hurled insults at Islam.
Yuvraj said in his statements that while denouncing Islam, they should get swords from Hindus to defend themselves.
The ultra-nationalist Yuvraj was later seen to use slanderous expressions against Islam.
On the other hand, Yuvraj also made statements that insulted the Prophet Muhammad.
Yuvraj, who claimed that Islam was spread by the sword, also stated that Islam can only be finished with the sword, and drew attention to the importance of Hindus to buy swords.
Leading radical Hindu figures in India seem to have recently encouraged Hindus to increase aggression against Muslims.
Source: Mepa News