Dalit teenager kidnapped and raped by Girvan
Hindustan team, BandaLast Modified: Sun, Jan 03 2021. 22:55 IST
A Dalit teenager was abducted and raped in Girwan. The case is several days old. The police have arrested the teenager and also arrested the accused.
According to the station in-charge, a farmer resident of the area had filed a report that a young man drove his 17-year-old daughter away on the evening of 28 December. The teenager was searched by filing a report on the victim’s tahrir. The teenager has also been arrested by arresting the accused from Kalinjar. He said that during interrogation, the teenager has alleged rape. For four days, the accused victim wandered around Madhya Pradesh, Naraini and the house of his acquaintances. He even threatened to kill her when she left home. The victim has been given medical treatment. Based on the medical report and statement, the section of rape against the accused will be increased.