UP: Dalit youth was made to drink water from a shoe, his mother was mistreated, serious allegations of Dalit woman against Kanpur police

Posted on by Dalit Times
Incidents of crime against Dalits have become a serious problem. Crimes against Dalits are coming to light every day. These include incidents of physical violence, murder, rape, and property damage. Recently, a Dalit woman in Kanpur has accused the outpost in-charge and two inspectors of making her son drink water from her shoes…
Crimes against Dalits have become a serious social and legal problem in India. Crimes against Dalits are coming to light every day. These include incidents of physical violence, murder, rape, and loss of property. Just recently, incidents of rape of Dalit girls were reported in Badalpur and other places in Uttar Pradesh. These incidents have caused deep grief and concern in the society. On the other hand, a strange case has come to light from Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh.
Commissioner surprised by Dalit woman’s complaint
A serious case has come to light from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Here a Dalit woman resident of Kalyanpur has submitted a complaint letter to the Police Commissioner, in which she has alleged that the Kalyanpur police station in-charge, Navsheel Dham outpost in-charge and two inspectors brutally beat her son throughout the night and made him drink water in their shoes. Seeing the seriousness of this allegation, ACP Kalyanpur has taken up the investigation of the case. This case raises serious questions about the police action and violation of human rights.
This was the matter:
According to the information received, the woman said that her son and a neighbour, who is an e-rickshaw driver, had a fight on August 17 after an argument over picking up a passenger. After this, the son reached Navsheel Dham Police Station with a complaint. There, the same neighbour also came and filed a report.
indecent behaviour with a woman in police post
According to the woman, a compromise was reached between the two youths, but behind the police post, the police post in-charge and two constables were drinking alcohol. When the son talked about compromise, all three started beating him using casteist words. The woman alleges that the policemen told them to bring 10 thousand rupees if they have come to the police. Apart from this, when the woman reached the police post, she was also misbehaved with there.
Accused of abuse and beating
According to the woman, at 1:30 am, the accused policemen took her son and the neighbouring youth to Kalyanpur police station. There, the SHO went behind the police station and abused both of them and beat them and made her son drink water from his shoes. During this time, the police also made a video of both the youths and claimed that their injuries were caused in a fight. After this, the next day they were challaned under 151 and released.
What the police said:
According to the report, ACP Kalyanpur Abhishek Pandey has said that he has received a complaint and he is investigating it himself. In this case, police personnel and the victim side will be called and their statements will be recorded. Appropriate action will be taken if found guilty.
How long will dalits be oppressed?
There is a continuous increase in the incidents of crimes against the Dalit community, which include serious incidents like physical violence, murder, rape, and loss of property. Sometimes in Uttar Pradesh, sometimes in Badlapur and other places, the incidents of rape of Dalit girls have been worrying, which have generated deep concern and grief in the society.