UP: Dalit, backward and tribal officers were ignored in the promotion of 80 police inspectors

Posted on by Dalit Times
The recent promotion of 80 police inspectors as deputy superintendents of police in UP has led to allegations of ignoring the rights of backward, dalit, and adivasi (PDA) communities. This has led to resentment and disappointment among these communities.
Recently, 80 police inspectors have been promoted to the post of Deputy Superintendent of Police in Uttar Pradesh, but serious allegations are being made in this promotion list that the rights of the backward, Dalit, and tribal (PDA) community are being ignored. As soon as this promotion list came out, anger and disappointment spread among those communities who need social justice the most. This incident highlights the deep prejudice and discrimination in the administrative system, where feudal thinking is still operative and which stands against the principles of merit and fairness. In this promotion list, the majority of posts have been given to officers from the upper class, while the number of officers from the PDA community is very le
Negligence of administration in giving opportunity to PDA community
In this promotion process, officers from the PDA community have not been given due place despite their merit, hard work, and dedication. This is a worrying sign, because in an institution like the police, where the principles of equality, fairness, and service should be followed, even today the dominance of particular classes remains. Not giving promotion to officers from these communities is a symbol of the feudal mentality, which believes that administrative posts should be reserved only for certain classes. As a result, even those deserving candidates have been ignored who are discharging their duties with dedication and loyalty.
Lack of representation in the administration weakens the social balance
Looking at this promotion list, it is clear that the powers of administration are being handed over to a particular class. This has a negative impact on social balance and inclusiveness. A truly balanced and fair administrative system can be created only by giving the officials of the PDA community the opportunity to lead and take decisions. In the absence of their share in administrative posts, their problems cannot be heard and understood, and this discrimination directly affects the deprived sections of the society who have been struggling for equality and justice for a long time.

This decision is contrary to the principles of equality and justice
Discrimination in promotions is not only unjust to the officers of the PDA community, but it is also a violation of the principles of merit. It makes one wonder whether providing equal opportunities to every section of society should not be the priority of our country? Such decisions increase division and discontent in the society, which is harmful to our democracy. Going against the principles of merit and equality, the government has left behind the idea of participation and representation of all sections of the society in the administration. This directly affects the functioning of an important institution like the police and the public’s trust in it.
Necessary steps to restore trust in society
If feudal thinking and prejudice are not eliminated from the administrative system, it will further promote inequality and discrimination against the weaker sections of the society. In such a situation, it is necessary that this decision be reviewed and officers of the PDA community should also be promoted according to their rights and abilities. Only equal representation of every section of the society in the administration can strengthen social justice and inclusiveness.